Organized around common rhetorical situations that occur all around us, INVENTING ARGUMENTS shows students that argument is a living process rather than a form to be modeled. The text?s focus on invention teaches students to recognize the rhetorical elements of any argumentative situation and apply the tools of argument effectively in their own writing. Students are introduced to the basic layers of argument in early chapters, with material arranged into increasingly sophisticated topics beginning with the most obvious or explicit layers (claims) and moving to more implied or ?hidden? layers (assumptions, values, beliefs, ideology). By the time they finish Part 1, your students will have a thorough understanding of argument, which they can then apply to the invention projects in Chapters 7?12.
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Inventing Arguments, Brief 4th Edition by John Mauk; John Metz and Publisher Cengage Learning. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781305804401, 1305804406. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781305113312, 1305113314.