Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical Reasoning in Patient Care 6th Edition by Priscilla T LeMone
By: Priscilla T LeMone; Karen M. Burke; Gerene Bauldoff RN, PhD, FAAN; Paula Gubrud
Publisher: Pearson
Print ISBN: 9780133139433, 0133139433
eText ISBN: 9780133743531, 0133743535
Edition: 6th
Copyright year: 2015
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Medical-Surgical Nursing: Clinical Reasoning in Patient Care , Sixth Edition is appropriate for courses in medical-surgical nursing. It also serves as a helpful reference for practicing nurses. Improving clinical reasoning; focusing on what a new nurse needs to know Medical-Surgical Nursing provides readers with all of the practical knowledge and skills they need to care for adult patients?without overwhelming readers with unnecessarily dense writing that is beyond the beginning nurse?s scope of practice. Carefully selected content focuses on the things that new nurses will need to know when they first enter practice: how to promote health, facilitate recovery from illness and injury, and provide support when coping with disability or loss. Throughout the text, the authors focus on individualized holistic nursing care as the essential element in learning and practicing nursing, regardless of the gender, age, race, culture, or socioeconomic background of the patient or practitioner. Readers are given the tools they need to develop their clinical reasoning abilities so that they can make safe and effective decisions on the job. With its understandable language, visual approach, and consistent teaching and learning format, it?s no surprise that readers overwhelmingly report that they truly like reading this text.