Securitization and Desecuritization of FARC in Colombia introduces a new dual framework for securitization, called “dual securitization,” which regards securitization as a whole process that ends after the desecuritization of the given issue. Başar Baysal examines this process in three phases: (1) definition, (2) construction, and (3) (in)securitization-in-action. Additionally, the dual securitization framework takes both bottom-up and top-down characteristics of the process of securitization into consideration and examines both macro-level decision-making processes and discursive efforts and micro-level security practices. This book looks at the Colombian Conflict, and the empirical part of the study examines the contextual factors that facilitated the dual securitization of FARC and the Colombian State; definition, construction and insecuritization-in-action phases of the dual securitization process; and the ongoing process of desecuritization in Colombia.
Securitization and Desecuritization of FARC in Colombia: A Dual Perspective Analysis
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Category: History