Showing 1993–2004 of 2012 results

Wiley GAAP for Governments 2020: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for State and Local Governments

Original price was: $72.00.Current price is: $25.20.

Wiley Interpretation and Application of IFRS Standards (Wiley Regulatory Reporting)

Original price was: $72.99.Current price is: $25.55.

Wiley Practitioner’s Guide to GAAS 2020: Covering all SASs, SSAEs, SSARSs, and Interpretations (Wiley Regulatory Reporting Book 101)

Original price was: $84.00.Current price is: $29.40.

Wine Management and Marketing Opportunities for Companies and Challenges for the Industry

Original price was: $132.00.Current price is: $46.20.

Wine Tourism Destination Management and Marketing: Theory and Cases

Original price was: $89.99.Current price is: $31.50.

Winning at the Turning Point: The Great Trend of China’s Economic Transformation (The Great Transformation of China)

Original price was: $86.24.Current price is: $30.18.

Winter Tourism: Trends and Challenges

Original price was: $144.95.Current price is: $50.73.

Women’s Entrepreneurship in Former Yugoslavia: Historical Framework, Ecosystem, and Future Perspectives for the Region (Contributions to Management Science)

Original price was: $107.37.Current price is: $37.58.

Working Through Conflict: Strategies for Relationships, Groups, and Organizations

Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $52.50.

World Biodiesel Policies and Production

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $33.95.

World Trade and Local Public Interest: Trade Liberalization and National Regulatory Sovereignty (Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation Book 19)

Original price was: $112.38.Current price is: $39.33.

Writing Differently (Dialogues in Critical Management Studies Book 4)

Original price was: $77.10.Current price is: $26.98.