Showing 721–732 of 1052 results

Riddles at work in the early medieval tradition: Words, ideas, interactions (Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture)

Original price was: $91.05.Current price is: $31.87.

Ritwik Ghatak and the Cinema of Praxis: Culture, Aesthetics and Vision

Original price was: $74.86.Current price is: $26.20.

Robert Lepage / Ex Machina: Revolutions in Theatrical Space (Engage)

Original price was: $91.80.Current price is: $32.13.

Rockmusik in den 50er und 60er Jahren: Von der jugendlichen Rebellion zum Protest einer Generation (German Edition)

Original price was: $84.55.Current price is: $29.59.

Roland Barthes and Film: Myth, Eroticism and Poetics (Film Thinks)

Original price was: $95.63.Current price is: $33.47.

Roulette45: The Sole Method That Defeated Monaco

Original price was: $192.00.Current price is: $67.20.

S√°mi Educational History in a Comparative International Perspective

Original price was: $91.92.Current price is: $32.17.

S√∏de ord (Danish Edition)

Original price was: $74.90.Current price is: $26.22.

Satire og humor (Danish Edition)

Original price was: $58.90.Current price is: $20.61.

Scandinavia through Sunglasses: Spaces of Cultural Exchange between Southern/Southeastern Europe and Nordic Countries

Original price was: $56.95.Current price is: $19.93.

Scenes from Bourgeois Life (Theater: Theory/Text/Performance)

Original price was: $54.95.Current price is: $19.23.

Screening Characters: Theories of Character in Film, Television, and Interactive Media (AFI Film Readers)

Original price was: $57.95.Current price is: $20.28.