Showing 781–792 of 1052 results

Sportpsychologie: Grundlagen und Anwendung (Springer-Lehrbuch) (German Edition)

Original price was: $43.32.Current price is: $15.16.

Stage Makeup

Original price was: $64.08.Current price is: $22.43.

Stage women, 1900–50: Female theatre workers and professional practice (Women, Theatre and Performance)

Original price was: $103.05.Current price is: $36.07.

Staging America: Twenty-First-Century Dramatists

Original price was: $103.50.Current price is: $36.22.

Staging and Re-cycling: Retrieving, Reflecting and Re-framing the Archive (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)

Original price was: $57.95.Current price is: $20.28.

Staging art and Chineseness: The politics of trans/nationalism and global expositions (Rethinking Art’s Histories)

Original price was: $96.68.Current price is: $33.84.

Staging Gender in Behn and Centlivre: Women’s Comedy and the Theatre (Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama)

Original price was: $57.95.Current price is: $20.28.

Staging Postcommunism: Alternative Theatre in Eastern and Central Europe after 1989 (Studies Theatre Hist & Culture)

Original price was: $81.71.Current price is: $28.60.

Staging Spectators in Immersive Performances: Commit Yourself! (Routledge Studies in Affective Societies Book 5)

Original price was: $46.36.Current price is: $16.23.

Stanley Cavell and Film: Scepticism and Self-Reliance at the Cinema (Film Thinks)

Original price was: $103.50.Current price is: $36.22.

Star Attractions: Twentieth-Century Movie Magazines and Global Fandom (Fandom & Culture)

Original price was: $52.25.Current price is: $18.29.

Stardom in Contemporary Hindi Cinema: Celebrity and Fame in Globalized Times

Original price was: $77.51.Current price is: $27.13.