Showing 973–984 of 1052 results

Traditioneller Fortschritt: Das Stuttgarter Hoftheater, die elektrische Moderne und die Großstadt (1851-1912) (Szene & Horizont. Theaterwissenschaftliche Studien 7) (German Edition)

Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $21.00.

Transcendence and Film: Cinematic Encounters with the Real

Original price was: $85.50.Current price is: $29.92.

Transferences: The Aesthetics and Poetics of the Therapeutic Relationship (Psychoanalytic Horizons)

Original price was: $117.00.Current price is: $40.95.

Transformations in Tertiary Education: The Scholarship of Engagement at RMIT University

Original price was: $97.30.Current price is: $34.05.

Translated and Visiting Russian Theatre in Britain, 1945‚Äì2015: A “Russia of the Theatrical Mind”?

Original price was: $89.00.Current price is: $31.15.

Translation Quality Assessment (TQA) of Subtitles: Criteria for the Evaluation of Persian Subtitles of English Movies Focusing on Semiotic Model of TQA … (Sprache ‚Äì Kultur ‚Äì Gesellschaft Book 19)

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $17.48.

Transmedia Knowledge for Liberal Arts and Community Engagement : A StudioLab Manifesto (Digital Education and Learning)

Original price was: $39.08.Current price is: $13.68.

Transmediating the Whedonverse(s): Essays on Texts, Paratexts, and Metatexts

Original price was: $87.05.Current price is: $30.47.

Transmission and Transgression: The History of Rock ‘n’ Roll on Television (Visual Communication Book 9)

Original price was: $45.55.Current price is: $15.94.

Transnational Chinese Theatres: Intercultural Performance Networks in East Asia (Transnational Theatre Histories)

Original price was: $80.74.Current price is: $28.26.

Transnational connections in early modern theatre

Original price was: $91.12.Current price is: $31.89.

Transnational Flamenco: Exchange and the Individual in British and Spanish Flamenco Culture (Leisure Studies in a Global Era)

Original price was: $57.99.Current price is: $20.30.