Showing 1837–1842 of 1842 results

Yearbook of Transnational History: (2020)

Original price was: $95.00.Current price is: $33.25.

You’re nicked: Investigating British television police series (The Television Series)

Original price was: $108.68.Current price is: $38.04.

Youth and Conflict in Israel-Palestine: Storytelling, Contested Space and the Politics of Memory

Original price was: $103.50.Current price is: $36.22.

Yugoslavia and Political Assassinations: The History and Legacy of Tito’s Campaign Against the Emigrés

Original price was: $102.69.Current price is: $35.94.

Zeit-Schriften der Moderne: Zeitkonstruktion und temporale Selbstverortung in der polnischen Presse (1880-1914) (SpatioTemporality / RaumZeitlichkeit 7) (German Edition)

Original price was: $83.19.Current price is: $29.12.

Zionism’s Maritime Revolution: The Yishuv’s Hold on the Land of Israel’s Sea and Shores, 1917–1948

Original price was: $86.00.Current price is: $30.10.