Showing 853–864 of 1842 results

Late Anglo-Saxon Prayer in Practice: Before the Books of Hours (Richard Rawlinson Center Series for Anglo-Saxon Studies)

Original price was: $87.99.Current price is: $30.80.

Late Cretaceous Dinosaur Eggs and Eggshells of Peninsular India: Oospecies Diversity and Taphonomical, Palaeoenvironmental, Biostratigraphical and Palaeobiogeographical … Inferences (Topics in Geobiology Book 51)

Original price was: $138.86.Current price is: $48.60.

Laughing North Koreans: The Culture of Comedy Films

Original price was: $85.50.Current price is: $29.92.

Law across imperial borders: British consuls and colonial connections on China’s western frontiers, 1880-1943 (Studies in Imperialism)

Original price was: $109.50.Current price is: $38.33.

Lawyers for the poor: Legal advice, voluntary action and citizenship in England, 1890–1990 (Studies in Imperialism)

Original price was: $108.68.Current price is: $38.04.

Leaning into the Spirit: Ecumenical Perspectives on Discernment and Decision-making in the Church (Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue)

Original price was: $74.44.Current price is: $26.05.

Learning Among Neanderthals and Palaeolithic Modern Humans: Archaeological Evidence (Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans Series)

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $34.65.

Leaving the Muslim Brotherhood: Self, Society and the State (Middle East Today)

Original price was: $46.08.Current price is: $16.13.

Legacies in Steel: Personalized and Historical German Military Edged Weapons 1800-1990

Original price was: $74.49.Current price is: $26.07.

Legal Traditions in Asia: History, Concepts and Laws (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice Book 80)

Original price was: $159.00.Current price is: $55.65.

Legendary Port of the Maritime Silk Routes: Zayton (Quanzhou)

Original price was: $104.45.Current price is: $36.56.

Les noms des pains en Egypte ancienne: Etude lexicologique (Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur t. 22) (French Edition)

Original price was: $139.99.Current price is: $49.00.