Showing 889–900 of 1842 results

Lope de Aguirre, Hugo Chávez, and the Latin American Left: The Wrath of Liberation

Original price was: $85.50.Current price is: $29.92.

Love and Friendship Across Cultures: Perspectives from East and West

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $34.65.

Low Taxes and Small Government: Sam Brownback’s Great Experiment in Kansas

Original price was: $85.50.Current price is: $29.92.

Luis Frois: First Western Accounts of Japan’s Gardens, Cities and Landscapes

Original price was: $80.84.Current price is: $28.29.

Luke/Acts and the End of History (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft Book 238)

Original price was: $68.84.Current price is: $24.09.

Lurleen Burns Wallace: The Power of the First Lady Governor

Original price was: $94.95.Current price is: $33.23.

Luther’s Treatise On Christian Freedom and Its Legacy (Mapping the Tradition)

Original price was: $90.50.Current price is: $31.67.

Maasai Women and the Old Testament: Towards an Emancipatory Reading (Bible and Theology in Africa Book 29)

Original price was: $72.16.Current price is: $25.26.

Mainstreaming the Headscarf: Islamist Politics and Women in the Turkish Media (Gender and Islam)

Original price was: $103.50.Current price is: $36.22.

Mainstreaming the Headscarf: Islamist Politics and Women in the Turkish Media (Gender and Islam)

Original price was: $103.50.Current price is: $36.22.

Making and Unmaking the Carolingians: 751-888

Original price was: $82.80.Current price is: $28.98.

Making Christians: Clement of Alexandria and the Rhetoric of Legitimacy

Original price was: $75.59.Current price is: $26.46.