The purpose of this book is to introduce the student to the fields of organization theory and organizational behavior and their application to the management of health care organizations. The course will cover both macro and micro level issues relevant to health care organizations, including governance, the history and role of management in health care, organizational structure and design, inter-organizational coordination and alliances, intraorganizational coordination and communication, organizational culture, personality and other aspects of individual behavior, group behavior and the effective use of groups and teams,? negotiation and conflict management, motivation, power and politics, initiating and managing innovation and change, and leadership.
Advances in Health Care Organization Theory 2nd Edition by Stephen S. Mick, Patrick D. Shay and Publisher Jossey-Bass. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781118862780, 1118862783. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781118028858, 1118028856.