Volume 26 of this important series will be of particular interest to fish biologists. Haug?s review of Atlantic halibut presents a complete summary of this important species both as a subject of a pelagic fishery and a developing aquaculture industry. Kjorsvik and his colleagues focus on the importance of egg quality for the mass production of fish fry. They point to a number of characters that may be indicative of egg quality and which may help to assess their likelihood of producing good fry.****Neilson and Perry review the studies of diel movements in fish and conclude that they are often facultative in nature. The implications for fish sampling are discussed.****Finally, Burd and Nemec examine the development of practical approaches towards the methods of analyzing benthic infauna, pointing out the assumptions and limitations of each.
Advances in Marine Biology: Volume 26 Ebook
Academic Press
Print ISBN: 9780120261260, 012026126X
eText ISBN: 9780120261260, 9780080579498, 0080579493
Pages: 328
Format: PDF
Available from $ 72.95 USD
SKU: 9780120261260