Despite the relevance of and empirical evidence for African Traditional Medicine, based on African Indigenous Medical Knowledge (AIMK), research and development of new phytomedicines from this continent has been slow. African Indigenous Medical Knowledge and Human Health aims to provide a catalyst for health innovations based on the rich African biodiversity and AIMK. The book documents some of the success stories from the continent related to AIMK and serves as a one-step reference for all professionals interested in the research and development of medical interventions ? including pharmacognosists, ethnobiologists, botanists, phytochemists, pharmacologists and medical scientists.
Additional ISBNs
9781138038103, 9781351710503, 1138038105, 1351710508
African Indigenous Medical Knowledge and Human Health Ebook
By: Charles Wambebe
CRC Press
Print ISBN: 9781138038103, 1138038105
eText ISBN: 9781351710497, 1351710494
Edition: 1st
Copyright year: 2018
Format: EPUB
Available from $ 80.00 USD
SKU: 9781351710497R90
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