For renowned sociologist and writer Laurel Richardson, a broken foot led to a month as a patient in an extended care facility. In this compelling description of her lived experience in one of these institutions, she addresses key questions of health delivery and behavior: nurses who can be angelic or cruel, institutional policies often structured to maximize income over care, and patients whose behavior often does not mirror the severity of their condition. She points to inequality of treatment of patients of different ethnicities, genders, and classes, and to an underclass of health workers?often poor immigrants?whose own personal and familial problems mirror those of their patients. Enfolded in a captivating narrative of life in the facility, Richardson?s book is a revealing literary autoethnography designed for social scientists, health care professionals, and students alike.
Additional ISBNs
9781611323160, 9781611323177, 1611323169, 1611323177, 9781611323160, 1611323169
After a Fall Ebook
A Sociomedical Sojourn
By: Laurel Richardson
Print ISBN: 9781611323177, 1611323177
eText ISBN: 9781315435312, 1315435314
Edition: 1st
Copyright year: 2013
Format: EPUB
Available from $ 17.58 USD
SKU: 9781315435312R90
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