Bringing together new and classic work by Tony Harcup, this book considers the development of alternative journalism from the 1970s up until today. Bringing theory and practice together, Harcup builds an understanding of alternative media through the use of detailed case studies and surveys. Including opinions of journalists who have worked in both mainstream and alternative media, he considers the motivations, practices and roles of alternative journalism as well as delving into ethical considerations. Moving from the history of alternative journalism, Harcup considers the recent spread of ?citizen journalism? and the use of social media, and asks what the role of alternative journalism is today.
Additional ISBNs
9780203077214, 9781135130183, 9781135130190, 9781283860741, 9781135130145, 0203077210, 1135130183, 1135130191, 1283860740, 1135130140, 9780415521864, 9780415521895, 0415521866, 0415521890
Alternative Journalism, Alternative Voices Ebook
By: Tony Harcup
Print ISBN: 9780415521895, 0415521890
eText ISBN: 9781135130183, 1135130183
Edition: 1st
Pages: 208
Copyright year: 2013
Format: EPUB
Available from $ 17.18 USD
SKU: 9781135130183R90
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