This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Updated in its 14th edition, American Government provides a concise overview of the American political system and its institutions using the Constitution as a backdrop and touchstone in every chapter. Concentrating on the most significant issues necessary to understanding American government, this book is specifically structured to engage today?s readers through a concise, stimulating style that is free of ideological and political bias.
Additional ISBNs
9780205974993, 0205974996
American Government Ebook
By: Walter E. Volkomer
Print ISBN: 9780205251735, 0205251730
eText ISBN: 9780205916757, 0205916759
Edition: 14th
Copyright year: 2013
Format: PDF
Available from $ 34.99 USD
SKU: 9780205916757R180
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