Gender scholarship during the last four decades has shown that the exclusion of women?s voices and perspectives has diminished academic disciplines in important ways. Traditional scholarship in philosophy is no different. The ?recovery project? in philosophy is engaged in re-discovering the names, lives, texts, and perspectives of women philosophers from the 6th Century BCE to the present. Karen Warren brings together 16 colleagues for a unique, groundbreaking study of Western philosophy which combines pairs of leading men and women philosophers over the past 2600 years, acknowledging and evaluating their contributions to foundational themes in philosophy, including epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics. Introductory essays, primary source readings, and commentaries comprise each chapter to offer a rich and accessible introduction to and evaluation of these vital philosophical contributions. A helpful appendix canvasses an extraordinary number of women philosophers for further discovery and study.
Additional ISBNs
9780742559240, 0742559246
An Unconventional History of Western Philosophy Ebook
Conversations Between Men and Women Philosophers
By: Karen J. Warren
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Print ISBN: 9780742559233, 0742559238
eText ISBN: 9780742564602, 0742564606
Format: PDF
Available from $ 46.20 USD
SKU: 9780742564602R120
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