Twelve problems have been added to the first edition; four of them are supplements to problems in the first edition. The others deal with issues that have become important, since the first edition of Volume II, in recent developments of various areas of physics. All the problems have their foundations in volume 1 of the 2-Volume set Analysis, Manifolds and Physics. It would have been prohibitively expensive to insert the new problems at their respective places. They are grouped together at the end of this volume, their logical place is indicated by a number of parenthesis following the title.
Analysis, Manifolds and Physics, Part II ? Revised and Enlarged Edition Ebook
By: Choquet-Bruhat, Y.
North Holland
Print ISBN: 9780444504739, 0444504737
eText ISBN: 9780444504739, 9780080527154, 0080527159
Pages: 560
Format: PDF
Available from $ 165.00 USD
SKU: 9780444504739