The aim of this book is to present review articles describing the latest theoretical and experimental developments in the field of cold atoms and molecules. Our hope is that this series will promote research by both highlighting recent breakthroughs and by outlining some of the most promising research directions in the field.
Degenerate Quantum Gases of Strontium (Simon Stellmer, Florian Schreck and Thomas C Killian)
Fermi Gases with Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling (Jing Zhang, Hui Hu, Xia-Ji Liu and Han Pu)
The Mott Transition in a Bose Gas Measured Through Time of Flight (K. Jim?nez-Garc?a and I B Spielman)
One-Dimensional Photonic Band Gaps in Optical Lattices (Marina Samoylova, Nicola Piovella, Michael Holynski, Philippe Wilhelm Courteille and Romain Bachelard)
Cold and Hot Atomic Vapors: A Testbed for Astrophysics? (Q Baudouin, W Guerin and R Kaiser)
Nonlinear Dynamics of Atom-Molecule Conversion (Li-Bin Fu and Jie Liu)
Quantum Metrology with Cold Atoms (Jiahao Huang, Shuyuan Wu, Honghua Zhong and Chaohong Lee)
Readership: Research scientists including graduate students and upper level undergraduate students.
Annual Review Of Cold Atoms And Molecules ? Volume 2 Ebook
Volume 2
By: Kirk Madison
Print ISBN: 9789814590167, 9814590169
eText ISBN: 9789814590181, 9814590185
Pages: 432
Format: EPUB
Available from $ 55.00 USD
SKU: 9789814590181