Assessment and Accreditation of Prior Learning systems are now widely used in colleges to open up access for potential students by harnessing their prior learning, knowledge and skills. But one major issue, language and literacy, has not yet been adequately addressed, and our education system still presents many barriers for non-native speakers of English. This book focuses on practical and pro-active ways of approaching these problems using case studies and examples throughout. The various chapters cover: * Ways of resourcing and implementing APL systems * The implications this has for staff development * Methods for assessing prior linguistic ability and accrediting qualifications gained overseas * The role of the guidance advocate worker * The TDLB APL assessor and advisors award * Recent developments within Europe and how these affect National Vocational Qualifications and the current APL systems
Additional ISBNs
9780203138281, 9786610327140, 9781280327148, 9781134848713, 9781134848720, 9781134848676, 9780203299869, 0203138287, 6610327149, 1280327146, 1134848714, 1134848722, 1134848676, 0203299868, 9781138420922, 1138420921
APL and the Bilingual Learner Ebook
By: Meena Wood
Print ISBN: 9780415104210, 0415104211
eText ISBN: 9781134848713, 1134848714
Edition: 1st
Pages: 240
Copyright year: 1994
Format: EPUB
Available from $ 26.78 USD
SKU: 9781134848713R90
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