Apparel Engineering is a term to explain the industrial engineering activities to be used in Apparel Production process, this will include methods to reduce Man, Machine and Material wastage in the Apparel Production process, it includes selection of right tools and machines, training to the operators for quality and fast production , material management, ergonomics to use in apparel industry, methods development and advanced production planning and development of method study and Workstudy applications in production process, Line balancing to product handling. The whole booklet is capsuled to easy knowledge by reducing long theories. Maximum real time data from industry are used to generate and explain the calculations so that the methods can easily be adapted to industries by their industrial Engineers. I this book, author has tried to explain the ideas of, Wastages, Facility Layout and Material Planning, Material Flow system, Plant Layouts,Factory layout, Economics of Material Handling, Production Systems, Capacity planning, Marker Planning & cutting, Processing of fabric faults, Marker utilisation, Cut order planning, Workstudy Procedures, Micromotion studies, Production studies, Work Measurement Techniques, Performance rating, Allowances, Industrial Ergonomics, Principles of Motion Economy, Production Planning Process, Line Planning, Capacity Planning, Line Balancing, WIP, Scheduling Orders, Manufacturing Lead Time, Load Levelling, Scheduling Bottlenecks, Operation Scheduling, Production Reporting, Job evaluation & Compensation, Designing wage structure, Incentive plan etc This book will serve as one best reference to the Apparel Engineers in the garment industry, asl well as learners and professions.
Apparel Engineering: Industrial Engineering Methods for Apparel Industry
Mr JK Akhil
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform