jMetrik is a computer program for implementing classical and modern psychometric methods. It is designed to facilitate work in a production environment and to make advanced psychometric procedures accessible to every measurement practitioner. Applied Measurement with jMetrik reviews psychometric theory and describes how to use jMetrik to conduct a comprehensive psychometric analysis. Each chapter focuses on a topic in measurement, describes the steps for using jMetrik, and provides one or more examples of conducting an analysis on the topic. Recommendations and guidance for practice is provided throughout the book.
Additional ISBNs
9781306874786, 9781136294174, 9781136294167, 9781136294129, 1306874785, 1136294171, 1136294163, 1136294120, 9780415531955, 9780415531979, 0415531950, 0415531977
Applied Measurement with jMetrik Ebook
By: J. Patrick Meyer
Print ISBN: 9780415531955, 0415531950
eText ISBN: 9781136294167, 1136294163
Edition: 1st
Pages: 149
Copyright year: 2014
Format: EPUB
Available from $ 22.78 USD
SKU: 9781136294167R90
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