As editor of the first field guide in 1968, I compare that slim volume with this outstanding, compendious and wise advice, which demonstrates the sophistication of present best practice. An essential aid for beginners and professionals.? ..Emeritus Professor John Mulvaney..In one volume here is every tool you need to conduct fieldwork in archaeology. Thoroughly comprehensive, The Archaeologist?s Field Handbook is designed for every kind of archaeological practice from simple site recordings to professional consultancies for anyone who wants to record heritage sites responsibly?This hands-on manual provides step-by-step instructions on how to undertake and successfully complete fieldwork in all fields of archaeology, from Indigenous to historical to maritime. More than 200 charts, checklists, graphs, maps and diagrams clearly illustrate how to design, fund, research, map, record, interpret, photograph and write up your fieldwork?Packed full of industry know-how and invaluable practical advice, The Archaeologist?s Field Handbook is the ultimate resource for consultants, teachers, students, community groups and anyone involved in heritage fieldwork?An impressive tour de force With this volume in their knapsacks, budding archaeologists and consultants won?t need any other to undertake fieldwork in Australia. ? ..Jay Hall, Head of Archaeology, University of Queensland
Archaeologist?s Field Handbook
Heather Burke, Claire Smith
Allen & Unwin