This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The first and most thoroughly developed audience-oriented argumentation text has been updated to its 8th edition: Argumentation and Critical Decision Making presents argumentation as a cooperative, communicative process. This text examines the general principles of argument in a rigorous yet readable manner and then applies those principles to different spheres of life – law, science, religion, business, government, and politics – to explore how conventions of argument change when applied to these real-world arenas. Focusing on the dynamics of decision making and using real-life examples to illustrate principles, Argumentation and Critical Decision Making aims to help readers develop practical argumentation skills within the world of their daily lives.
Additional ISBNs
9780205974153, 0205974155
Argumentation and Critical Decision Making Ebook
By: Richard D. Rieke; Malcolm O. Sillars; Tarla Rai Peterson
Print ISBN: 9780205210596, 0205210597
eText ISBN: 9780205931750, 0205931758
Edition: 8th
Copyright year: 2013
Format: PDF
Available from $ 34.99 USD
SKU: 9780205931750R180
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