This essential “how not to†guide explains how to act and what to say in the presence of police to minimize the chances of being arrested and to avoid add-on charges—which can often lead to permanent disqualification from jobs, financing, and education. Citizens can learn how to avoid arrest both on the street and when pulled over in a vehicle and are alerted to basic tricks cops use to get people to incriminate themselves. Sprinkled with absurdity and humor, this urgent, eye-opening book is a guide to criminal justice for all Americans.
Arrest-Proof Yourself: An Ex-Cop Reveals How Easy It Is for Anyone to Get Arrested, How Even a Single Arrest Could Ruin Your Life, and What to Do If the Police Get in Your Face Ebook
By: Dale Carson
Chicago Review Press
Print ISBN: 9781556526374, 1556526377
eText ISBN: 9781556527005, 1556527004
Edition: 1st
Format: PDF
Available from $ 3.00 USD
SKU: 9781556527005R30
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