750 EEG tracings provide the visual assistance you need to diagnose pediatric seizure activity Atlas of Pediatric EEG will prove to be an essential visual reference to for both the novice and experienced neurologist. For those new to the field, it will help develop the pattern recognition skills necessary to diagnose pediatric seizure activity. For experienced neurologists, it provides a working collection of known patterns to which they can compare their own tracings. Atlas of Pediatric EEG features a full-color presentation, easy-to-read bulleted chapter text, and detailed legends under each tracing that provide a full description and diagnosis of what is seen in the tracing. Chapters also contain case examples that add clinical relevance to the tracings. This unique atlas covers every type of seizure, both epileptic and non-epileptic and divided into nine chapters: Normal and Benign Varients Artifacts Newborn Focal Nonepileptoform Activity Generalized Noneplileptiform Activity ICU Epileptic Encephalopathy Generalized Epilepsy Focal Epilepsy Also included is a companion DVD containing 190 video clips to assist you in learning how to interpret video-EEG, which is rapidly becoming the most common modality for EEG.
Additional ISBNs
9786613021373, 6613021377
Atlas of Pediatric EEG Ebook
By: Laoprasert, Pramote
McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
Print ISBN: 9780071623346, 0071623345
eText ISBN: 9780071623322, 0071623329
Edition: 1st
Copyright year: 2011
Format: PDF
Available from $ 208.00 USD
SKU: 9780071623322