Auditory Processing Deficits is designed to provide readers with key clinical information on APD, an important, growing area of interest in the field of audiology. The book contains the latest guidelines on screening, diagnosis, and intervention of auditory processing deficits and includes key information on related assessment tools and management strategies.
Key Features:
- More than 300 high-quality, full-color illustrations help readers understand complex topics
- Graphics showing clinical research data aid in comprehension and retention of difficult concepts
- Case examples facilitate the synthesis of information from
clinical assessments and creation of intervention plans - Each chapter includes a section on future trends that informs readers of upcoming technologies or methodologies that could benefit patients
Written by an experienced authority on APD, with knowledge and experience in three related fields including audiology, speech-language pathology, and teaching for the deaf, this book is an essential clinical guide for graduate students in audiology as well as practicing audiologists.
Auditory Processing Deficits 1st Edition by Vishakha Rawool and Publisher Thieme Medical Publishers. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781604068375, 160406837X. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781604068382, 1604068388.