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A clear and practical guide for establishing and maintaining a comprehensive classroom management system in today’s middle and high school classrooms.
Written for the prospective or new teacher, Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers, Tenth Edition, provides teachers with the skills, approaches, and strategies necessary to establish effective learning environments in elementary school classrooms. Based on experience in more than 500 classrooms, the authors provide details on how to plan, develop, and implement a classroom management system that helps create a classroom environment that focuses on and facilitates learning. Examples, checklists, case study vignettes, and group activities illustrate key concepts and make the content concrete, allowing readers to reflect on and apply the content to real-life settings.
Product details
- Publisher: Pearson; 10 edition (January 17, 2016)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0134028856
- ISBN-13: 978-0134028859
- Customer Reviews: 7 customer ratings
- #40267
in Textbooks