Managing Local Government: Cases in Effectiveness is designed to meet the needs of both practicing managers engaged in professional development and graduate students who aspire to local government careers. Each case study highlights one or more management practices from ICMA?s set of 18 practices that are fundamental to effectiveness in local government management, providing the reader with a tool for discussing all sides of an issue and reaching a reasonable course of action to address a particular problem. For example, a case might call on the reader to find a way to bridge gaps between staff and elected officials or between two groups of citizens. No other text can provide these actual cases and tie them into the teachings of The Effective Local Government Manager, 3rd Edition. The format of Managing Local Government: Cases in Effectiveness sets the stage for grappling with important decisions about supervision, hiring, economic development, staff misconduct, problem analysis in a political environment, and the manager?s role in promoting sustainability.
Managing Local Government: Cases in Effectiveness Edition by Charldean Newell and Publisher ICMA Publishing. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780873265959, 0873265955. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780873261791, 0873261798.