Total Fitness & Wellness, The Mastering Health Edition 7th Edition by Scott K. Powers
By: Scott K. Powers; Stephen L. Dodd
Publisher: Pearson
Print ISBN: 9780134299211, 0134299213
eText ISBN: 9780134288161, 0134288165
Edition: 7th
Copyright year: 2017
For Health and Fitness courses. Provide your students with interactive tools to succeed in fitness and wellness Total Fitness and Wellness gives students a solid foundation in fitness and wellness, while providing them with the tools they need to make healthy behavioral changes and lifestyle choices. The vibrant design makes the book more approachable through modern chapter-opening photos, graphs, and detailed exercise photos. The 7th Edition provides a clear learning path, labs that can be completed and submitted online, and a thoroughly revised guide to creating a comprehensive fitness and wellness plan, ensuring students and instructors have the print and online tools they need to succeed. To take advantage of the power of Mastering, every chapter of the text includes numbered Learning Outcomes and a new study plan that ties directly into Mastering? Health activities