William Leffler’s Petroleum Refining in Nontechnical Language, Fourth Edition is designed to give the reader an overview of key refining topics by using relevant analogies, easy-to-understand graphs, formulas, and illustrations. New to this edition is important information on the nature of crude oil and raw materials and a comprehensive discussion on what sets crude oil and oil products price differentials. Also new is a chapter on lubricants as well as the latest technologies employed by refiners. Each chapter was carefully written in nontechnical language to give the reader a basic understanding of the refining industry. The book can be used for self-study, as a classroom textbook, or as a quick reference.
Product details
- Publisher: PennWell Corp.; 4 edition (November 13, 2008)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1593701586
- ISBN-13: 978-1593701581
- Customer Reviews: 51 customer ratings
- #8
in Chemical Plant Design - #8
in Petroleum Engineering - #15
in Chemical Engineering (Books)