Electrical outages, fires, floods, computer malfunctions, toxic material spills, water main breaks, labor strikes, sabotage. The number of disasters that can shut down your organization is vast, and the likelihood of one striking is inevitable. Even minor setbacks, like a fifteen-minute blackout, can cost you a bundle. With a focus on practical solutions and an emphasis on getting your operations functional as soon as possible, this all-new edition of The Disaster Recovery Handbook helps you develop a clear, what-to-do-next plan of action for your organization. From assembling your team to analyzing your risk to testing your plan, you’ll learn to minimize damage and quickly recover from any natural or human-made disaster. Completely revised and updated, The Disaster Recovery Handbook walks you through a multitude of real-life disaster scenarios, pointing out what works and what doesn’t for bringing order to chaotic situations. You’ll learn to implement every key step in a recovery effort, including how to: – Assemble a disaster reaction team. – Design a business impact analysis and risk assessment. – Prepare recovery plans for different scenarios. – Test and debug every step. – Pinpoint the best place to locate your emergency operations center. – Preserve essential data networks. – Recover from a power outage. – Retrieve vital records. – And much more.
Product details
- Publisher: AMACOM; 2 edition (December 1, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0814437842
- ISBN-13: 978-0814437841
- Customer Reviews: 31 customer ratings
- #3367
in Strategy & Competition - #3478
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in Strategic Business Planning