This cutting-edge two-volume set with contributions by distinguished and internationally recognized scholars provides a comprehensive picture of contemporary issues in the field of women?s sexuality, emphasizing women?s diversity and international perspectives.
? Vignettes and real-life stories to illustrate concerns, questions, findings, research, and concepts
? In-depth coverage of a wide spectrum of sexuality topics among women, including sexual desire and satisfaction; sexuality concerns in diverse countries; pornography; lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women; trauma, rape, and intimate partner violence; and mental health and therapy
? Contributions from 63 distinguished scholars who are experts in their fields
? Extensive bibliography with each chapter
The Essential Handbook of Women?s Sexuality [2 volumes] (Women?s Psychology) Ebook
File Size: 3332 KB
Print Length: 719 pages
Publisher: Praeger (January 24, 2013)
Publication Date: January 24, 2013
Language: English