The EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights A Commentary by Manuel Kellerbauer
by Manuel Kellerbauer (Editor), Marcus Klamert (Editor), Jonathan Tomkin (Editor)
ISBN-13: 9780198846925
ISBN-10: 0198846924
This Commentary provides an article-by-article summary of the TEU, the TFEU, and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, offering a quick reference to the provisions of the Treaties and how they are interpreted and applied in practice. Written by a team of contributors drawn from the Legal Service of the European Commission and academia, the Commentary offers expert guidance to practitioners and academics seeking fast access to the Treaties and current practice. The Commentary follows a set
structure, offering a short overview of the Article, the Article text itself, a key references list including essential case law and legislation, and a structured commentary on the Article itself. The editors and contributors combine experience in practice with a strong academic background and have published
widely on a variety of EU law subjects.
Commentary on the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights: Digital Pack includes a digital app with enhanced user functionalities that ensures that you have access to the text and all your accompanying notes wherever you are. The app is available on PC, Mac, Android devices, iPad or iPhone