The Finite Element Method in Engineering, Sixth Edition, provides a thorough grounding in the mathematical principles behind the Finite Element Analysis technique?an analytical engineering tool originated in the 1960?s by the aerospace and nuclear power industries to find usable, approximate solutions to problems with many complex variables. Rao shows how to set up finite element solutions in civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering applications. The new edition features updated real-world examples from MATLAB, Ansys and Abaqus, and a new chapter on additional FEM topics including extended FEM (X-FEM). Professional engineers will benefit from the introduction to the many useful applications of finite element analysis.
Includes revised and updated chapters on MATLAB, Ansys and Abaqus
Offers a new chapter, Additional Topics in Finite Element Method
Includes discussion of practical considerations, errors and pitfalls in FEM singularity elements
Features a brief presentation of recent developments in FEM including extended FEM (X-FEM), augmented FEM (A-FEM) and partition of unity FEM (POUFEM)
Features improved pedagogy, including the addition of more design-oriented and practical examples and problems
Covers real-life applications, sample review questions at the end of most chapters, and updated references
The Finite Element Method in Engineering, 6th Edition
Singiresu S. Rao