One of the most popular anthropological case studies published in the last two decades, the latest edition of The Gebusi incorporates important new fieldwork, bringing ethnographic excellence and a riveting story fully up to date. Readers are welcomed into the lives of Papua New Guinea rainforest dwellers to witness a dramatic arc of cultural change and human transformation. When Knauft first studied them, Gebusi practiced powerful spirit séances and sorcery divinations, held resplendent initiations that included distinctive sexual customs, and endured high rates of violence. Sixteen years later, he found them participating in market activity, schooling, government programs, and sports; performing their own popular music; and practicing Christianity. More recently, Gebusi have been battered by economic hardship and withdrawal of government services—but have admirably revitalized their culture and livelihood. Sustained by traditions, access to land and waterways, and a keen sense of humor and vitality, Gebusi exhibit resilience and dignity amid conditions of continuing uncertainty and change.
Product details
- File Size: 50070 KB
- Print Length: 229 pages
- Publisher: Waveland Press, Inc.; 4 edition (October 22, 2015)
- Publication Date: October 7, 2015
- Language: English
- ASIN: B0168WQH3W
- Text-to-Speech:
Not enabled
- Word Wise: Not Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- #74
in Oceania History - #215
in History of Anthropology - #300
in Cultural Anthropology (Kindle Store)