One of today?s most respected spiritual teachers, Michael Mirdad provides a profound yet easy to follow guide to understanding and applying the 12 primary principles of A Course in Miracles. Michael has a gift for taking complex concepts and making them easy to understand and integrate. His latest book is no exception. A extraordinary guide and teacher, Michael walks us through the Course?s 12 core principles from Bliss & Oneness vs Separation, Love vs Fear, God?s Holy Spirit vs the Ego, Reality vs. Illusion and so much more. Each chapter is an unfolding towards greater understanding with tips and strategies on how to apply each principle in our daily lives. Michael Mirdad will take you from confusion to clarity, from intellectual understanding to practical application, from drifting to a daily spiritual devotion.
The Heart of A Course in Miracles: A Guide to Understanding and Applying the 12 Primary Concepts of the Course Edition by Michael Mirdad and Publisher Grail Press. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780985507961, 0985507969. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780985507954, 0985507950.