Now in its fourth edition, this book reflects the extraordinary growth in the law of higher education and the accompanying rise in scholarship and commentary on higher education law and governance. The case selection reflects major themes and issues. To this end, cases with interesting facts, news accounts of fascinating developments, and insights and articles from scholars and practitioners have also been used. The result is a unique book on a rapidly growing area of law and society. It is the most established and widely adopted casebook in the field. Updated with recent court cases and statutes, it can be used in law schools, in colleges of education, or in professional courses.
Product details
- File Size: 2989 KB
- Print Length: 1033 pages
- Publisher: Carolina Academic Press; 4 edition (January 1, 2016)
- Publication Date: February 24, 2017
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech:
- Word Wise: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- #489
in Educational Law & Legislation Law - #523
in Urban, State & Local Government Law (Books) - #126
in Educational Law & Legislation