At a school on the Pacific Ocean, Sylvia met and fell hopelessly in love with a devastating young Saudi man. He married her and took her to Jeddah, a five thousand year-old city on the Red Sea, nicknamed “The Red Sea Bride” by its inhabitants. Nothing in all Sylvia’s youthful freedoms or spiritual pursuits prepared her for the exotic, beautiful, and ultimately tumultuous life that met her there–as it did so many other Western women who had made the same romantic choice, to marry a Saudi. Sylvia tells not just her own story but those of friends as well as of Saudi women she came to love as fiercely as her own mother and grandmother. Here is a tale of the passionate human heart and the amazing choices some young independent women make to follow it.
BN ID: | 2940157390419 |
Publisher: | Grassroots Writers Guild |
Publication date: | 03/16/2017 |
Sold by: | Barnes & Noble |
Format: | E-book |
Sales rank: | 294,284 |
File size: | 2 MB |