THE RIVER READER, 12th Edition (formerly THE RIVERSIDE READER), is a collection of expository essays arranged by rhetorical modes: narration and description, process and analysis, comparison and contrast, division and classification, definition, cause and effect, and persuasion and argument. A final thematic unit, “”Food: A Casebook,”” illustrates all of these modes. The readings represent diverse voices and views from some of the most respected professional essayists working in the English language, and include short stories. Essays in this edition serve as structural models for students to emulate in their writing and as sources of content for classroom discussion and paper topics. Headnotes and post-reading material analyze each reading in context, helping students better understand the craft of writing and apply what they learn to their own work. The 12th Edition is available with MindTap.
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The River Reader 12th Edition by Joseph F. Trimmer and Publisher Cengage Learning. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781305887138, 1305887131. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781305634114, 130563411X.