Most startups don?t fail because they can?t make a product.
Most startups fail cause they won?t get traction.?
?Here is the inside scoop, the latest, most specific tactics from the red-hot center of the internet marketing universe. From someone who has done it. Twice.?
?Seth Godin, author of Linchpin
?Anyone?founders, managers, and executives?trying to break through to new customers can use this smart, ambitious book.?
?Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup
?The question every founder asks after shipping is always: how do I get traction? This book actually answers it.?
?Alexis Ohanian, cofounder of reddit
?A common question I get is:? ?How do I know if my business is getting traction, or how do I get traction for my business, or how do I get users?? Traction answers all of these questions and more.?
?James Altucher, author of Choose Yourself
?Traction is a critical guide for entrepreneurs looking to grow and scale their businesses.?
?Patrick Vlaskovits, bestselling author of The Lean Entrepreneur
?The entrepreneurs who walk out of our offices with term sheets walk into them with Traction. It?s a pragmatic guide to solving the entrepreneur?s number one challenge.?
?Fred Wilson, partner of Union Square Ventures
Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth