The definitive history of the world’s most popular drug. Uncommon Grounds tells the story of coffee from its discovery on a hill in ancient Abyssinia to the advent of Starbucks. Mark Pendergrast reviews the dramatic changes in coffee culture over the past decade, from the disastrous “Coffee Crisis” that caused global prices to plummet to the rise of the Fair Trade movement and the “third-wave” of quality-obsessed coffee connoisseurs. As the scope of coffee culture continues to expand, Uncommon Grounds remains more than ever a brilliantly entertaining guide to the currents of one of the world’s favorite beverages.
Uncommon Grounds Edition by Mark Pendergrast and Publisher Basic Books. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780465024049, 0465024041. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780465024049, 0465024041.