Beginning underwater photographers may be surprised to find that there are numerous tools?from fully automated cameras, to smart phone cameras, to sophisticated DSLRs?that can be used to create incredible underwater photographs. In this book, author Larry Gates (of Aberdeen, South Dakota) ?dives in? to the topic of underwater photography and teaches the skills beginning photographers need to explore saltwater and freshwater environments. Beginning with a look at the equipment used, Gates explains how to keep your camera water-tight, choose lenses and accessories, and assemble your system. You?ll learn which lenses are best for photographing large versus small creatures, reef scenes, wrecks, divers, and more. You?ll also learn how to work with a strobe, ensure sharp focus, and increase the odds of getting images with vibrant color. Finally, Gates provides strategies for managing your workflow and doing basic image editing after the dive.
With images and tips from numerous contributors, a look at innovative capture options, and interesting facts about aquatic life, divers and photo enthusiasts will learn the skills they need to embark on their first oceanic (or river, stream, or lake!) adventure.
Underwater Photography: A Pictorial Guide to Shooting Great Pictures
Larry Gates
Amherst Media