Designer handbags are all the rage, but their designer-style price tags can be prohibitive. With Bags Two, knitters of all levels can make their own for a fraction of the cost?and have twenty boutique worthy purses, guilt-free. Choose from both classic styles and today?s hottest trends: an elegant evening bag with a dainty scallop pattern; a basketweave messenger satchel, felted and reinforced with bamboo dowels for extra support; a ?60s-style handbag with all-over bobbles, in an eye-catching orange; a trendy boho-inspired purse with beaded fringe; and many more. As with all the books in the series, there are easy to follow instructions, beautiful photos, and an overview of yarns, stitches, and finishing techniques.
Vogue Knitting on the Go! Bags Two
Trisha Malcolm
Sixth&Spring Books