This volume investigates how ancient women, and particularly powerful women, such as queens and empresses, have been re-imagined in Western (and not only Western) arts; highlights how this re-imagination and re-visualization is, more often than not, the product of Orientalist stereotypes – even when dealing with women who had nothing to do with Eastern regions; and compares these images with examples of Eastern gaze on the same women. Through the chapters in this volume, readers will discover the similarities and differences in the ways in which women in power were and still are described and decried by their opponents.
Product details
- File Size: 11482 KB
- Print Length: 336 pages
- Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic; 1 edition (February 6, 2020)
- Publication Date: February 6, 2020
- Language: English
- ASIN: B082F13QMF
- Text-to-Speech:
- Word Wise: Not Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled