Step through real auditing cases one by one in this comprehensive etextbook. Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach, 6th Edition (PDF) by Mark S. Beasley, Frank A. Buckless, Steven M. Glover, and Douglas F. Prawitt is a comprehensive case book that focuses on each of the major activities performed during an audit. Most of the auditing cases are based on real and actual companies, and a number address financial reporting fraud. The unique active learning approach helps law students learn to think critically and develop their interpersonal skills, which are increasingly important in the workplace.
Teaching and Learning Experience
To provide a better teaching and learning experience?for both instructors and law students?this program will:
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NOTE: This is the PDF eBook of Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach 6e and does not include any website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach (6th Edition) ? eBook
- Authors: Mark S. Beasley, Frank A. Buckless, Steven M. Glover, Douglas F. Prawitt
- File Size: 8 MB
- Format: PDF
- Length: 440 pages
- Publisher: Pearson; 6th edition (November 2, 2014)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0133852105
- ISBN-13: 9780133852103